Full information (dates, locations, posters) for all 2019 GWEF Treffens is available on the GWEF website here.
Treffen Dates
09-May to 12-May: Belgium
16-May to 19-May: Portugal
23-May to 26-May: Spain
30-May to 02-Jun: France
06-Jun to 10-Jun: Holland
13-Jun to 16-Jun: Slovenia
20-Jun to 23-Jun: Italy
27-Jun to 30-Jun: Switzerland
04-Jul to 07-Jul: Hungary
11-Jul to 14-Jul: Ukraine
18-Jul to 21-Jul: Czech Republic
25-Jul to 28-Jul: Poland
01-Aug to 04-Aug: Latvia
08-Aug to 11-Aug: Finland
15-Aug to 18-Aug: Ireland
15-Aug to 18-Aug: Sweden
22-Aug to 26-Aug: Great Britain
29-Aug to 01-Sep: Luxembourg
04-Sep to 08-Sep: Bulgaria
11-Sep to 15-Sep: Turkey
Supplementary Information
The Treffen area is for camping with GoldWings only. There is a nearby area for motorhomes.
Treffen will allow motor homes but they must be pre-booked with the campsite.
Check this post for regular updates.
