14th May 2020
Dear Club Members,
After considering the current situation regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, Government regulations and the threat to our membership, their families and friends, we, the Committee, have no alternative but to cancel our 2020 Treffen that was due to take place in the Earl of Desmond Hotel, Tralee, Co. Kerry. I know this is disappointing news but, working jointly with the hotel, we have secured the hotel as the venue for our 2021 Treffen.
Please keep safe and well in these challenging times.
Dermott Smith
GWOCI Chairperson
Addendum 26th May 2020
Note from the Treffen Co-ordinators, Liam and Carmel Browne: Please note that anyone who had accommodation booked at the Earl of Desmond Hotel in Tralee, Co. Kerry for the 2020 Treffen does not need to contact the hotel unless you wish to cancel. Otherwise, your booking is secure for next year and the hotel will make contact with you in March 2021 to confirm.