4th April 2020
To all GWOCI Members,
In order to protect the health of our members and their families and to conform to the Government and HSE guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we, as a Club, have no option but to cancel all Club activities, including all scheduled ride outs and the annual Spring Wing Ding in Wexford on Friday 22nd May, at this time.
As you may be aware, a number of European Treffens and Tours have been cancelled by their Clubs (see the GWEF website www.gwef.eu for up-to-date information). In regards to our 2020 Treffen, we will soon be in a position to make a decision whether it will take place or not. Circumstances will change from day-to-day and we will continue to monitor the situation. In the event of any changes that effect the Club, you will be informed via the website or the Regional Reps.
Keep safe and stay healthy.
Dermott Smith
GWOCI Chairperson