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COVID-19 Update from the Chairperson

26th May 2020

To all GWOCI Members,

The Committee convened via online conference call on Sunday last (24th May). The Corona virus pandemic and how it is affecting Club activities, ride outs, gatherings, etc. was discussed. In order to continue to conform to NPHET and HSE guidelines, we thought it prudent to remind our membership that all Club activities remain cancelled until further notice.

We will continue to monitor the situation and review the circumstances as they evolve in the hope that life will return to some sort of normality soon to enable us to enjoy our Wings and participate in official Club activities.

Please note the recent update made to the "2020 Irish Treffen Cancelled" post (click here) stating that anyone who had accommodation booked at the Earl of Desmond Hotel in Tralee, Co. Kerry for the 2020 Irish Treffen does not need to contact the hotel unless you wish to cancel. Otherwise, your booking is secure for next year and the hotel will make contact with you in March 2021 to confirm.

Once again, keep safe and well in these challenging times.


Dermott Smith

GWOCI Chairperson

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